Iloista lauantai-iltaa ressut!
Tämän päivän luukussa estradille pääsevät koulumme matikkatutorit! He ovat kehitelleet päänne vaivaksi näin loman kynnyksellä muutaman matemaattisen tehtävän, joihin me haemme nyt vastauksia! Jokaiselle vuosikurssille on oma tehtävänsä, jossa varmasti riittää mietittävä itse kullakin.
Lähetä oikea vastauksesi jouluaattoon 24.12. mennessä Ressun OPKH:n sähköpostiin, huom: Pelkkä vastaus riittää! Laita mukaan nimesi, luokkasi ja yhteystietosi (puh. ja sähköposti, mitä käytät). Arvomme kaikkien oikein vastanneiden kesken pienet matemaattista lahjakkuutta (ainakin motivaatiota matematiikaan) edistävät palkinnot, jotka jaamme loman jälkeen koulun taas alettua!
Tunnetaan ympyrä ja sen ulkopuolella piste. Piirrä pisteestä sekantti niin, että ympyrän sisään lankeava osa on yhtä suuri kuin säde.
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Abit: (good luck with this, t: ykkönen)
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Good evening dear Ressus!
In today's hatch the math tutor team will step up to the stage! They've developed a few mathematical riddles to mess with your brains just before the holiday. Every year group has their own riddle to ponder on; you're sure to have something to spend your brain power on! We seek answers from you, dear students.
Send your correct answer to the Ressu student council email address by Chirstmas Eve, the 24th of December. Please remember that this is no exam: YOU ONLY HAVE TO PROVIDE THE ANSWER! You also need to send us your name, class and contact information (phone and email). We will pick out the people to whom we will give rewards at random among all the mathematical geniuses who managed to answer correctly. The prizes will encourage you to do more maths as well as possibly make you more talented ;) We'll give out the prizes at school after the holidays.
First years:
We know of a circle and of a point outside it. Draw a secant from the point so that the part that falls inside the circle is as long as the radius of the circle.
Second years, picture (1):
How many numbers, simultaneously divisible with the numbers a1,a2,…,an , does the area [x,y], a,x,y∈Z+ contain? (So a,x and y belong to positive integers. Display your answer in a nice expression. The Christmas spirit of the number doesn't mean anything; it only creates a nice atmosphere.
Here's a few helpers to write up your answers: ⌈b⌉ is b rounded up to the nearest integer and ⌊b⌋ is b rounded down to the nearest integer.
Third years, picture (2):
As the translator is a technological in-adept he only translated the expressions in Finnish:
"Of the function f(x) we know that:"
"Ressussa kaikki lukee vaan luma-aineita, ja jokasesta tulee lääkäri." Nyt on hetki todistaa taitonne. Paljon onnea tehtäviin kaikille!
"In Ressu everyone only studies maths and sciences and wants to become a doctor". Now is the moment to prove your skills! Good luck for the questions everyone!
"In Ressu everyone only studies maths and sciences and wants to become a doctor". Now is the moment to prove your skills! Good luck for the questions everyone!
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