"Rauhallista joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta"
Tätä kuulee yksi jos toinenkin tuttaviltaan, sukulaisiltaan ja jopa viime hetken jouluostoksilla kaupan kassamyyjältä. Sitä me blogivastaavatkin haluamme kaikille teille opiskelijoille toivottaa, rauhallista joulua.
Voiko kiirettä unohtaa muutamaksi päiväksi tai voiko siitä pästä eroon jopa kokonaan? Kaikki ne kirjoitelmat, joiden deadlinet lähestyvät loman loputtua, anna niiden hetkeksi olla. Anna itsellesi lupa siihen, ettei sinulla ole kiire mihinkään. Sinulla on aikaa, aikaa itsellesi, aikaa siihen mihin haluat. Sano tämä ääneen myös heille, joille et ole pystynyt aikaasi omistamaan. Nyt joululomalla sinulla on aikaa heillekkin. Tartuta lähimmäisiisi rauhallisuus.
Anna itsellesi lahjaksi rauhallinen ja kiireetön joulu, olet sen ansainnut! <3
Have a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year!" This is a phrase that one can hear in the end of December in Finland from one's friends, family, and even cashiers checking out your last-minute Christmas gifts. That is what we, the blog team, wish to all you students: a peaceful Christmas. Can one forget about the everyday hurries for a moment, or even overcome them forever? Let all the deadlines that are quickly approaching after the holidays be for a moment. Give yourself the permission not to hurry and stress. You have time: time for yourself and for anything that you want right now. Say this out loud to everyone to whom you couldn't give your time to. During the Christmas holiday you have time for them as well
Spread peace to all your loved ones.
Give yourself a peaceful and hurry-free Christmas as a gift. You've deserved it.
Have a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year!" This is a phrase that one can hear in the end of December in Finland from one's friends, family, and even cashiers checking out your last-minute Christmas gifts. That is what we, the blog team, wish to all you students: a peaceful Christmas. Can one forget about the everyday hurries for a moment, or even overcome them forever? Let all the deadlines that are quickly approaching after the holidays be for a moment. Give yourself the permission not to hurry and stress. You have time: time for yourself and for anything that you want right now. Say this out loud to everyone to whom you couldn't give your time to. During the Christmas holiday you have time for them as well

Give yourself a peaceful and hurry-free Christmas as a gift. You've deserved it.
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http://image.citycdn.fi/01/41/82/06/fb4c1d7452b3e4ead7eae8198e2d47b8.jpeg |
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http://arkisto.novitaknits.com/public/users/63119/blogi_602266/690803_image_2.jpg |
Toivottaa, blogitiimi <3
Wishes, blogteam <3
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